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Rigenera Hair Micrografting

Rigenera Hair Micrografting

No additional medications

Can see results in 30 days

Scalp Analysis

Quality micrografts harvested

30 min procedure

Exisitng hair strengthened

No special care once hair grows

Tissue regeneration



    Hair Renewal

    Rigenera Technology is currently being applied in aesthetic medicine, dermatology and other disciplines of medicine and involves the process of harvesting micrografts of your own hair bearing regions of your scalp, processing and suspending this in normal saline ready for injecting into the donor site. This entire process takes place in an office setting with simple local anaesthesia during a procedure that lasts about 30 minutes.

    Injected micrographs activate hair follicles that are in the telogen or dormant phase of growth to promote new hair growth and strengthen the existing active hairs in that region. There is no requirement for any additional pharmacological or chemical agents to promote hair growth and results can be seen in 30 days after the procedure.

    The key is both in careful scalp analysis and diagnosis of hair loss as well as the quality of the micrografts harvested from strong hair bearing regions of your scalp which contain a high percentage of progenitor cells that are the key players in tissue regeneration, revascularisation and hair regrowth.

    Get in contact


      Having the reassurance of Dr Stephen Hadges (BMBS, FRACGP) available for treatments, advice and tips sets us aside from many other practices.

      Our on-hand qualified and experienced nurse practitioner is specifically trained at either assisting or performing procedures. Our nurse can also assist you with your medical and non-medical treatment goals.