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Thread Lift

Thread Lift

Lift and tighten droopy skin

Stimulate collagen production

Can last 12 - 18 months

Improve skin tone

Can smooth appearance of skin

Can minimise fine lines and wrinkles


    Facial Thread Lift

    The use of suspending threads to elevate and support sagging tissues has been in clinical practice for decades and a method for the change in appearance of facial ageing.

    These threads are positioned under the surface of the skin with fine needles attached to the fully dissolvable threads that have a series of cogs and cones along their length to grip the tissue and elevate and suspend it to its former position. Over the ensuing months, these cleverly designed threads slowly dissolve through natural metabolic pathways and stimulate collagen producing cells to create and form new collagen and elastin bundles leading to both volumetric enhancement and gravitational support to the sagging areas.

    The procedure can be performed in an office environment under simple local anaesthetic.

    Get in contact


      Having the reassurance of Dr Stephen Hadges (BMBS, FRACGP) available for treatments, advice and tips sets us aside from many other practices.

      Our on-hand qualified and experienced nurse practitioner is specifically trained at either assisting or performing procedures. Our nurse can also assist you with your medical and non-medical treatment goals.